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29 Oct 2009 Rally No more broken promises - Racism is not a special measure

Rally Thursday, 29 October 2009

No more broken promises - Racism is not a special measure

Stop the NT Intervention - Re-instate the Racial Discrimination Act


Thursday October 29th

12:30 pm @ Kevin Rudd's office

70 Phillip St, Sydney

Speakers include Nicole Watson from the Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin has once again broken a clear promise given to Aboriginal people in the NT - that the Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) would be re-instated in October 2009. Minister Macklin also gave this promise to the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Richard Downs, spokesperson for the Ampilatwatja walk-off says, "This is unacceptable treatment. Racism and divisions increase and living conditions deteriorate each day the Act remains suspended and the Intervention measures remain in place. We are like out-castes - denied basic rights afforded to other Australian's".

We have seen no action on the RDA because Minister Macklin is in a bind. Rather than lift discriminatory Intervention laws such as compulsory Income Management alongside the re-introduction of the RDA, she has said that these will be classified as "special measures", operating "for the benefit" of Aboriginal people.

An official "consultation" process has been carried out in an attempt to promote the Intervention and gain "consent" for these measures.

But Barbara Shaw from Mt Nancy Town Camp says, "We were asked which brand of compulsory Income Management we would like, what kind of alcohol controls or police powers. But communities have said many times we want an end to all racist control measures. We want the resources wasted on 'Intervention' to go directly to communities to meet our real social needs."

Opposition to the laws is mounting. The Alyawarr people have walked-off their community in protest against the Intervention. On Thursday, a statement exposing the sham of the recent round of "consultations" will be launched in Alice Springs by representatives from 'prescribed' communities. Raise your voice on this Thursday - the last sitting day in October.

No more broken promises. Racism is not a special measure! Stop the Intervention now.

Organised by the Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney

Contact: Paddy 0415800586 or Mon 0415410558
